The video is pretty bad quality and I shake quiet allot.
But it will show you how the program works and the servos
are controlled by my Logitech Gamepad.
I still have a long way to go with the code and more parts
to order. When I have everything going, This is how it should
turn out:
Driving R2
Moving all doors and accessories on R2
Sound with volume control
The gamepad combined with the program will allow me to
combine buttons, So running out of remote buttons is not
likely to happen.
The Gamepad is also locked to the droid, So interference
has less chance of happening. After R2 has received this
1st setup, I may look at adding my Webcam as I originally
planned, Then I can get a upfront view of what R2 sees.
All this will take a long time to program, But I think it
will be worth the struggle in the end.
More to come.