Getting my R2 driver lesson in a live audience.
I did Ok and I didn't run over anyone, But I almost ran over Aaron.
He was my spot man and R2 took off and almost got him in the foot.
Sorry Aaron :o)
The Trooper on the right is a fellow I know from my local Hobby shop.
I didn't know it was him until after the picture was taken and he removed
his helmet.
R2 was having a ball meeting all kinds of characters and he behaved like a good droid
should around so many people.
How are you and Brenda holding up? Has it been everything you were hoping for?
By the way, that looks pretty close to your that a little sweat forming on your brow ;)
.....that kid looks pretty close.
Looks great man! I bet you are having a blast! Meet any Celebs?? Get them to pose with R2!!!!
Did R2 do the appropriate whistle to Wonder Woman?!?! ;)
Yeah, The kids were hugging and taking pictures with R2 the whole time. But they were not trying to due any damage and kinda kept their hands under control.
We did meet some celebs, But I'm not sure if we got any pics.
R2 had a drive belt problem and I had to stay off the carpet which is where the celebs were sitting.
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