Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Foot Work

Now that the crunch of the Southern meeting is over, I have time to work on other things.
The Krider Budjet foot shells are a pain in the butt. Also the channel aluminum I have is too short, So I'll have to get some more.
Once I get everything fitted, I'll get the feet fully welded and then I'll start to fit the Battery Boxes.
R2 was watching in the background as I worked on his new means of transportation.


SuperDad said...

Thats gonna be a nice foot setup!!

Which motors are you using? Are they 12v or 24v?

Calvin Thomas said...

I'm using the Scooter motors and they're 24v.
The only thing I'm worried about are the wheels.
They only have 3/8 inch of burn down and the gear will hit the ground.
I guess it depends on where I run it the most, Inside the house the wheels won't burn down too quick, But on concrete they may burn faster.